Music Tuesdays via Grace Boyle - Cult Logic by Miike Snow

Another extremely strong selection by our friend Grace. A nice blend of very chill and bouncy fun. Thanks Grace!


  1. I have to admit - when I heard this song I thought "Scott would like this." I think we are hanging out (online) too much.

  2. I like it. Great description of very chill and bouncy fun. I can imagine listening to this at a house party. It's not a "get this party started" or "get people on the dance floor" kind of song. It's the kind of song that makes the environment light and happy. You're able to have a conversation and share a drink in a nice relaxed atmosphere.

  3. Another win for Grace! Love the sound and give the double ii in Miike, double points.

  4. Grace has a very good ear. After she linked me to this song, I spent a morning browsing all the Miike Snow songs I could find. This was easily my favorite of all their songs. An excellent choice, and an excellent use of double ii in Miike, good call GotGame.
