Weekend Comedy 11/14


  1. Random much? Gave me a good chuckle, nonetheless...

  2. My first thought, "Wow, you're gay."

    My second thought: this is ambush comedy at its best. What's ambush comedy, you ask? Well, I just made it up, but I would call it a kind of phenomenon where something sneaks up on you totally and completely and makes you piss your pants from laughter. You never saw it coming, and the level of hilarity takes it from "unexpected" to "ambush". The Giants winning the World Series was unexpected; Little Big Horn was an ambush. See the difference?

  3. (watch this)

    I love this comic too, so random. And the goofy image of his face is perfect.

    To bring this full circle with Penny Arcade, remember our how awesome? so awesome discussion about popular phrases from pop culture? Well the "Random much?" phrase you just used is a great example.

    My recollection is that the use of "much?" as an emphasizer really got popularized with Buffy. Which I haven't seen. But the phrase has become so prevalent that I'm pretty sure it was the topic of discussion on the Public Radio program A Way With Words (which is awesome).

    Where do you recall picking up that phrase, Scooter?

  4. Hey MP, good timing - are you familiar with the turn of phrase "adjective much?" as used above by Scooter? Where do you recall seeing its early usage?

  5. I remember, very distinctly, Ace Ventura muttering "Obsessed much?" when looking through Ray Finkle's stuff.

    Ace Ventura - 1994

  6. No clue when/where I picked it up. Like many of my pop culture phrases, they just enter my life, almost sub-consciously.

  7. I don't remember where I heard it first, but I definitely remember hearing it on Ace Ventura and NOT on Buffy.
